Around Gąsawa

The route: Gąsawa – Huby Gąsawskie – Gąsawa
The looping trail starts near the State School Complex in Gąsawa in ulica Leszka Białego and leads south along ulica Konopnickiej towards the small village of Huby Gąsawskie. It first goes through a developed area, then between fields as it crosses the former railway and the road to Szelejewo. At the junction the route takes a left turn and goes through the land of Ostoja Barcińsko-Gąsawska, a nature protection area that is a Natura 2000 site. As many as 11 types of protected habitats have been ascertained here. Once you leave the conservation area, the path crosses the Pałuki Trail (blue, for hikers) and leads back to the school in Gąsawa. While you are there, the 16th-century Church of St. Nicholas is well worth visiting, as is the market square – a remnant of the times when this village was chartered as a town.