To Biskupin

distance (km)
altitude m a.s.l.
The route: Marcinkowo Górne – Biskupin
The trail starts in Marcinkowo Górne near the fire station. A historical 18th-century manor and a statue of Duke Leszek the White are in the village. As it leaves the hamlet, the route wends its way north among the fields, going by an obelisk that marks the place where Leszek the White died on the outskirts of Gąsawa. The lay of the land is slightly upward, which should not be an issue for tourists. The route ends when it reaches the first buildings of Biskupin. If you take the Trail of Leszek the White (yellow, for hikers), you can reach the Archaeological Museum about 1 km (10 min) from there.
The trail is perfect for those who have just begun Nordic walking or for a family outing with children.