Cycle trail from Barcin to Gołąbki

distance (km)
altitude m a.s.l.
Route: Barcin – Ostrówce – Chomiąża Szlachecka – Gołąbki
The route lets you get to know the scenic land of Gołąbki Forest District, which stretches along the rivers Foluska Struga and Gąsawka, not far from almost ten lakes: Wolickie, Kierzkowskie, Gwiazda, Ostrowieckie, Foluskie, Chomiąskie, Oćwieckie, Długie, and Przedwieśnie. The chief aim of the trail is to show visitors the flora and fauna of the local area as well as to raise their awareness of the need to respect natural diversity.
Besides picturesque forests and lakes, two churches on the way are worth seeing: the Church of St. James from the early 20th century in Barcin and the Church of St. John the Baptist from the 1st half of the 19th century in Chomiąża Szlachecka.