distance (km) altitude m a.s.l.

Route: Lake Kierzkowskie – Lake Ostrowieckie – Lake Foluskie – carrying equipment for 250 m – Lake Grzmiące – Lake Chomiąskie

The Struga Foluska is a small left-bank tributary of the Noteć which wends its way through five scenic lakes. Its origin is in Lake Chomiąskie, only 300 m away from Lake Oćwieckie, which is part of the Gąsawka Trail. The Folusz–Ostrówce–Wolice section is a well-regulated, wide waterway. The canoeing route leads upstream. The Struga Foluska flows into Lake Wolickie, which is in the Noteć trail.

The route is part of the Pałuki Canoe Loop, a 115 km trail of varying difficulty level. With no hurry, the loop takes 7 to 8 days overall.